Vita Gazette

News from Italy

Bill Gates: “There is a risk of a more lethal variant”

Vita gazette – Bill Gates raised the risk of Corona’s deadly alarm: “There is a risk that this pandemic will generate an even more transmissive and even more fatal variant of the virus. This means that the world has not yet faced the worst of the pandemic ”.

The worst of the Covid pandemic is yet to come. While most countries around the world have lifted their restrictions against the pandemic, another serious warning came from Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. In an interview with the Financial Times, Gates said: “The virus is contagious and even more lethal. This is not a likely scenario. I don’t want to be the voice of doom, but the risk that the worst of this pandemic is yet to come is well over 5%. In other words, we have not seen the worst”.

Bill Gates predicted Covid-19 years ago, noting it could be a global disease in 2015. Later, he said that the outbreak would get worse in December 2021 and correctly predicted it with the Omicron variant.

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