Pope’s message to Ukraine to save its people:
“it can be negotiated with the help of international powers”
Vita gazette – Pope Francis: “Who sees the situation, who thinks of the people, who dare to raise the white flag and to negotiate is stronger. Today, we can negotiate with the help of international powers.”
Francis spoke on Swiss Radio and Television, intending to ask for a ceasefire and relaunch the courage of negotiations. “He who sees the situation thinks of the people, who dare to raise the white flag and negotiate is stronger. Today, we can negotiate with the help of international powers.” And then: “The word negotiate is courageous. When you see that you are defeated and things are not going well, you must have the courage to negotiate. You are ashamed, but with how many deaths will it end? Negotiate in time, look for some country to act as a mediator.” The Pope clearly stated: “Negotiation is never a surrender”.
In the interview, the interviewer, Lorenzo Buccella, asks the Pope: “In Ukraine, there are those who ask for the courage to surrender, for the white flag. But others say that this would legitimise the strongest. What do you think?”
And Francis replies: “It’s an interpretation. But I believe those who see the situation, think about the people and dare to raise the white flag and negotiate are stronger. Today, it can be negotiated with the help of international powers. The word negotiate is courageous. When you see that you are defeated and things are not going well, you must have the courage to negotiate. You are ashamed, but with how many deaths will it end? Negotiate in time, and look for some country to act as a mediator. Today, for example, in the Ukraine war, many want to act as mediators. Turkey offered itself for this. And other. Don’t be ashamed to negotiate before things get worse.”