Vita Gazette

News from Italy

Pompeii: 13 terracotta figurines, traces of an ancient rite

Vita gazette – 13 terracotta figurines have emerged in Pompeii, traces of an ancient rite. The small sculptures, approximately 15 cm high, were upright on a horizontal plane inside a room. In addition to objects in which human figures can be recognised, a walnut, an almond, the head of a clay rooster and a glass pine cone were also found.

The small sculptures, about 15 cm each, as reported in the E-journal of the Pompeii excavations, are mainly human figures, but there are also a walnut, an almond, a clay rooster’s head and a glass pine cone.

The small sculptures, approximately 15 cm each, are mainly human figures, but there are also a walnut, an almond, the head of a clay rooster and a glass pine cone. From the first studies, some subjects seem to refer to the myth of Cybele and Attis, connected to the life cycle of the seasons and the fertility of the earth and, therefore, to the spring equinox.

The statues were found during excavations in the room of a domus bordering the House of Leda and the Swan in Pompeii. They were in an upright position on a horizontal surface inside a room where there was probably a shelf. The statuettes emerged from the lapillus at a height of over 2 meters above the floor level.

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