2023 – Where is the cleanest sea in Italy?

La qualità delle acque di balneazione marine è infatti di buon livello in tutte le regioni, con percentuali di costa eccellente superiori all’85% e picchi superiori al 99%.
The earthquakes shook central Italy

A series of earthquakes shook Central Italy. The most violent, magnitude 5.7, was felt from Rome to Bolzano. In total, at least six shocks woke the inhabitants of the Marche, who took to the streets frightened.
“Water bomb” dropped Marche

Tragic images caused by climate change came from the Marche Region this time. The death toll in the flood that hit Marche rose to 10. Four people, including two children, are missing.
The 12 best beaches in Italy

Un’ora di sonno in riva al mare, accompagnata dal rumore delle onde, allevia tutta la nostra stanchezza. Ma a patto che le spiagge siano perfette…