Vita Gazette

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“4-Day Work Week” approved

Vita gazette – Most of the companies participating in a four-day workweek pilot program in Britain said they had seen no loss of productivity during the experiment, and in some cases had seen a significant improvement, according to a survey of participants. Nearly halfway into the six-month trial, in which employees at 73 companies get a paid giorno off weekly, 35 of the 41 companies that responded to a survey said they were “likely” or “extremely likely” to consider continuing the four-day workweek beyond the end of the trial in late November

The pilot program, which was started last June by the non-profit organization “4 Day Week Global” in the UK, and where more than 3,000 employees worked 4 days a week for 6 months, continues. A survey was conducted halfway through the pilot with 41 of 73 companies. The data revealed that productivity was maintained or improved in most firms halfway through the 6-month trial. In the experiment, which will end in late November, all but two of the 41 companies said productivity had either remained the same or increased. Six companies reported significantly increased productivity.

Some company leaders in the trial said the four-day work week gave employees more time to exercise, hobbies, cooking, and spending time with family and friends. And they noted that they observed that improving the quality of life made employees more energetic and productive.

The results of the trial, which ends at the end of this year, will be evaluated by researchers from Cambridge University, Oxford University and Boston College.

At the end of the “4-days-a-week trial” previously held in Iceland, the researchers announced in 2021 that the 4-day-a-week trial had resulted in great success. In the UK, 45 MPs from different parties, including the main opposition Labor Party, signed a motion calling on the government to set up a commission to examine the proposal to work 4 days a week in 2020.

In 1956, then Vice President Richard M. Nixon said that he predicted this “in the not-too-distant future,” although it did not materialize on a large scale.

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