Vita Gazette

News from Italy

While you’re having fun, we die!

Hello. I am Irma, co-author of “Vita Gazette”. I will call you from the world of birds. My goal is to make the world livable for all of us; to understand each other; to respect each other… To help establish a healthy communication between us…

In my first article, I would like to express a vital issue. Urgent: Because we are losing our puppies. Urgent: Because we are dying. Urgent: Because our home is falling apart…

Human beings, a species of creatures like us who use the world for a certain period of time and then mingle with nature, love to celebrate and have fun. We respect that. But there’s a problem: Fireworks displays allegedly invented in China nearly a thousand years ago to exorcise demons are killing us while entertaining you. Why? Because you use fireworks in all celebrations. And you brag about it! But this type of outdated entertainment is very dangerous and harmful for other living beings that have the right to live! How do I feel, my newborn babies, while you celebrate loudly? Do you know what’s going on with us?

First of all, I want to give you the following information. We birds are very sensitive to sounds in our normal life. For this reason, many of us use hearing in our hunting skills. For example, some small birds listen to the soil, hear the movement of the worm there. Or an eared owl finds its prey under the snow by listening. Many airborne birds find insects by their buzz. The way of communication we use between birds and other animals is also sound. That’s why we skip. We love to sing…

And yet, can you imagine the devastating effect of the sudden fireworks on us in the silence of the night? It is not possible for us to remain unresponsive in the face of intense light, smoke and noise pollution. We are afraid, we panic. We don’t know what to do. If we are near fireworks, we have a heart attack or burn. These burns result in death and injury. If we are not dead, we go on with our lives blind or deaf…

If we took shelter in a place to spend the night, we are again jumping from our place with fear. Most of us have a heart attack and die when we hear these explosive sounds in our sleep. Most of us cannot see at night, with some exceptions such as the owl. That’s why the death of these species is even more tragic. Before it gets dark, we have to leave the place we found to spend the night. We wake up in that darkness. As we flee, the lights of fireworks, car lamps and dense smoke confuse us. We get up from our place, afraid of the sound, but this time we fall on the road and die by being crushed. Or we hit something hard and die in pain…

In the panic environment, the incubating parents can leave the nest. The eggs are cold, the fry are starving. This causes the death of eggs and fry.

Do you want evidence? Late on New Year’s Eve 2010, thousands of birds rained from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas. Some 5,000 red-winged blackbirds, European starlings, common grackles and brown-headed cowbirds suffered blunt-force trauma after colliding with cars, trees and buildings, In 2003, nearly two thousand birds died as a result of panic and collision with each other in a fireworks display for New Year’s celebration in New York. Hundreds of birds died last year due to fireworks used to celebrate the new year in Rome. Our lifeless bodies covered the streets of Rome… We were like a scene straight out of Alfred Hitchcock…

Let’s unite, put an end to this dangerous, outdated understanding of celebration as soon as possible. Protest the use of fireworks. Support the ban…


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