Superlux Bayesian gets more water!
Superlux Bayesian gets more water! by Ayfer Selamoğlu The expected happened: The Italian Prosecutor’s Office took action. Prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio announced that an “involuntary manslaughter investigation” has been launched regarding the superyacht accident off the coast of Sicily, which caused the death of 7 people, including the CEOs and financial managers of well-known companies. The […]
Anatomy of an assassination: Trump took advantage!
Anatomy of an assassination: Trump took advantage! Being accepted into the White House is very important to many people. Sitting in the armchairs in front of the burning fireplace is a significant privilege for them. Pose for the cameras with the President. These photos are then served to the press. Messages of “power and legitimacy” […]
New European Parliament: Is Venus darkening?
by Ayfer Selamoğlu
The countdown has begun for the new European Parliament elections. There are elections in 27 European countries between June 6-9.
May 1 and Hawthorn Blossom
The opinion – by Andira Vitale
It was May 1 in 1891. Half of the Fourmies, where Maria Blondeau lived as a cotton worker, was in the textile industry.
After Sardinia, tension increased in Abruzzo! “Will Sardinia Island create a Domino effect?”
The opinion: by Andira Vitale
The people of Sardinia voted for the left-wing president and showed a red card to the right-wing parties. This result started the Abruzzo local election race in political parties as of yesterday, March 10th.
Is Albania enough to stop the rivers of migration flowing to the West?
The Opinion: Ayfer Selamoğlu
Is one Albania enough to stop the enthusiastic floods flowing from the Greater Middle East Geography to the West?
My Christmas gift to you
by Ayfer Selamoğlu
That’s why I want to give you an extraordinary gift. I believe love is the best gift, so I am sending you this gift. The story “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry as a Christmas present…
“The Banality of Evil”
The opinion: by Ayfer Selamoğlu
At such a time, it would be suitable for us to rethink the theory of “The Banality of Evil” by Hannah Arendt, one of the influential political theorists of the twentieth century.
Migrant crisis :The dates you eat will scratch you one day…
The opinion: by Ayfer Selamoglu
The phrase “The dates you eat will scratch you one day”, which states that what has been done in the past will be paid for, defines the refugee crisis today.
One survived!
The opinion – by Andira Vitale
It’s a story I love…
While a man was walking along the ocean beach, he stumbled upon a man hastily throwing something into the sea.
As he gets closer to the man, he realises that this person has thrown the beached starfish into the sea.