December 8: the feast of the Immaculate Conception

December 8: the feast of the Immaculate Conception December 8th is the day on which many traditionally prepare the Christmas tree or nativity scene. These traditions in Italy, even in 2024, are linked to the so-called “Festa dell’Immacolata”. We celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Catholic holy day, with a national public holiday […]

Si alza il livello di vigilanza anche in Italia per la malattia misteriosa

Si alza il livello di vigilanza anche in Italia per la malattia misteriosa Si alza il livello di vigilanza anche in Italia per la malattia misteriosa che in Congo ha già causato 79 morti colpendo maggiormente i bambini. L’Italia alza l’attenzione e predispone controlli ai voli.  Una patologia ancora non definita ha messo la Repubblica […]

Refugee-Albania-Judiciary – Italy – Mattarella – Musk

Refugee-Albania-Judiciary – Italy and Musk, Mattarella: “Italy is a great democratic country” President Sergio Mattarella responded to Elon Musk’s comments on Italian court rulings that have stymied the government’s plans to process some asylum-seekers in Albania: “Italy is a great democratic country and… knows how to take care of itself while respecting its Constitution”. The controversy came […]

The mysterious Trevi Fountain has been flowing for nearly 300 years

The mysterious Trevi Fountain has been flowing for nearly 300 years by Andira Vitale A Baroque Masterpiece, Fontana di Trevi is an ageless, charming and mysterious beauty of the immortal city of Rome. If you have been to the Trevi Fountain, you probably understand how beautiful and impressive it is. And those who pay attention […]

Today, October 25th, is World Pasta Day

Today, October 25th, is World Pasta Day Today, we celebrate World Pasta Day, which is not only an excellence and symbol of Italian cuisine but also a cornerstone of the identity and culture of all Italians. “Maccherone, you provoked me, and I will destroy you..I will make you bigger”. It is a quote so famous […]

A magnificent Roman statue was found in Bulgaria

A magnificent Roman statue was found in Bulgaria Archaeologists in Bulgaria have identified a marble statue of a Roman man in Varna, once known as the ancient Greek city of Odessos. Workers found the marble man outside the fortress walls of Odessos in an area filled with alluvium, a combination of sand, clay, silt, and […]

The government put “Chemical Castration” on its agenda

The government put “Chemical Castration” on its agenda To prevent rape and harassment incidents, the proposal of the ruling partner League Party was accepted. It was decided to establish a technical committee to evaluate chemical castration punishment against rape and child molesters. The proposal for chemical castration in Italy was first brought to the agenda […]

Flood in Emilia-Romagna

Flood in Emilia-Romagna There was a flood in Emilia Romagna, with rivers overflowing and thousands of people displaced. Two are missing in Bagnacavallo. The waters of the Marzeno and Lamone rivers overflowed upstream of Faenza. Only 16 months have passed since the last terrible flood that brought the Marche and Emilia Romagna to their knees. […]

OnDance day in Milan

OnDance day in Milan On dance day, students from all over Italy dressed in white gathered in front of Palazzo Reale, led by the extraordinary conductor Roberto Bolle. OnDance closes but arrives on TV on September 15th. The critical event of OnDance, the excellent dance festival created by the étoile of the Teatro alla Scala, […]

Naufragio Palermo

Naufragio Palermo İtalya’nın Palermo şehri açıklarında yaşanan süper yat Bayesian faciasında kaybolan kişiler arasında İngiliz milyarder Mike Lynch’in yanı sıra Morgan Stanley International Başkanı Jonathan Bloomer’in de bulunduğu bildirildi. İtalya Sahil Güvenlik ekipleri, 22 kişinin bulunduğu teknedeki kazazedelerin 15’ini kurtardıklarını açıkladı. İngiltere bandıralı 56 metrelik süper yat Bayesian, İtalya’nın Palermo kenti açıklarında alabora oldu. İlk yapılan yeniden […]