Political cards are redistributed
Vita gazette – Luigi Di Maio, foreign minister, has changed the cards in the government. On Tuesday 21 June he announced the separation from the Five Star Movement and proclaimed the birth of the new party, “Together for the future”, which is supporting Prime Minister Draghi.
The struggle of global strategies for power and interests over Ukraine is also reflected in the internal policies of the countries. Giuseppe Conte, leader of the M5s party in the ruling coalition led by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, has received a response from his harsh criticism of sending weapons to Ukraine as a split from his party. In concert with Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Luigi Di Maio first opposed his party’s criticism of Ukrainian politics and then resigned. Today he announced the establishment of a new party with 51 parliamentarians (40 deputies and 11 senators).
In fact, the Five Star Movement seemed like a steadily declining party. This decline began when Di Maio was party leader. And they are no longer the first party in parliament and in society they are dying out. The split would have taken place because the Foreign Minister would no longer feel in tune with his Movement, headed by the lawyer Giuseppe Conte, who is strongly critical of the sending of weapons to Ukraine. And Maio has chosen to leave the party that gave him birth at the top of political life saying “I am on the right side of history” and remaining faithful to Prime Minister Draghi.